Physical Activity Services at HealthLink BC

You can dial 8-1-1 or visit  Qualified exercise professionals offer telephone, email, and web-based physical activity information and professional guidance to help you be more physically active.


Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines

Learn the amount of movement recommended to maintain good health.  Check out


Life is Now Paincare

Have a look at the movement diagram to explain how to approach movement when you have pain or complete the introductory course


Community Centres

Check out the recreation guide for your local community centre.  Look for gentle or adapted group exercise or Osteofit.  Some terms to search include: “walking”, “strength”, “balance”, “core”, “chair yoga”, “yoga”, “gentle yoga”, “adaptive yoga”, “therapeutic yoga”, “restorative yoga” or “qigong”.



Check out programs at your local pool, including Aquafit programs provided by the Arthritis Society, or start a pool walking program.  You can even look for a kinesiologist or physical therapist that provide 1:1 hydrotherapy sessions.


Mall Walking Programs


Yoga Resources